Rock and Roll

Friday, April 5, 2024
9:00PM to 12:00AM

Runaway Fire Runaway Fire



The world’s new original rock and roll band, Runaway Fire, is creating waves in the unisphere with vocal melodies and stylish guitar tones soaring through tube amps so beautiful they may just send a rip tide of audio large enough to shift the weather into a random rainstorm in the desert. Their original songs are melodic, magical, rhythmic, percussive, catchy, beautiful, powerful, and easy to sing along with. Drummer Ian Shaw, holds Runaway Fire together with a solid dedication to music and rhythm. The frontman, Mike, has been heard saying “I think Ian is one of the best drummers in the world right now.”Ian has created intuitive rhythms and grooves in this music that are incredible. He is playing a huge part in the band’s financial success and fame with his many talents and skills! The Keys are played by Marci Allen, a girl usually too pretty and classy to be playing rock and roll, but when she found out she was pregnant with a little boy she decided to join Santa’s naughty list and bring some amazing much needed beauty to the rock and roll sound and scene. The  guitarist and vocalist, Mike Wilson, has written a wide variety of music for all listeners to enjoy. His grandmothers both told him he would be a famous singer and gave him their blessings! His top of the line performances and showmanship are fun to watch and an emotional uplifting experience with sincere heartfelt lyrics and melodies. Chancelor Taylor is the bass player chosen by the Gods because of his royal name and lineage! He has bass grooves that will get you dancing and moving! Some say he grants wishes with his incredible bass lines! The Universe smiles on this band and is fulfilling their dreams and they all have chosen to make performing music together their main dream and career. Come enjoy a live show or even leave a donation. 



3550 S State St
South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115

(801) 290-2531

Runaway Fire

Friday, April 5, 2024
9:00PM to 12:00AM


“Only a stranger but once at the Tailgate Tavern”

Tailgate Tavern is located in South Salt Lake. We are a neighborhood bar for South Salt Lake and surrounding area. If you like Cheap Pool ($.50), Good Food, and a Good Time stop on by the Tailgate Tavern. continued


Good things happen here


Driving directions, business hours & phone.

Tailgate Tavern

3550 S State St
South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115

Driving Directions

Business Hours

monday:   11:00AM - 1:00AM
Tuesday:   11:00AM - 1:00AM
Wednesday:   11:00AM - 1:00AM
Thursday:   11:00AM - 1:00AM
Friday:   11:00AM - 1:00AM
Saturday:   11:00AM - 1:00AM
Sunday:   11:00AM - 1:00AM
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